Mental Health Services

The Maverick County Hospital District, the City of Eagle Pass, and Eagle Pass S.A.F.E. have collaborated to provide free therapy services to the community in the wake of COVID-19.
LPC services will be provided for any community member in need of counseling.
Sonia Alvarez, LPC
To make an appointment, call (830) 757-4919
Ask for therapy services with Mrs. Alvarez.
Let them know you are using the
Behavioral Health grant for your treatment
and you will not be charged a fee or co-pay.
For direct contact with Mrs. Alvarez, questions you may have, or to request an appointment send email to:
Together we can navigate the complications COVID-19 has caused in our lives and feel more in control of this out-of-control situation.
Sonia Alvarez will practice under the supervision of Karla Moreno and Elias Diaz. Should the case be beyond her level of expertise, a suitable referral will be provided.
If you or someone you know needs to speak with a mental health therapist related to LGBTQ+ issues please contact:
Elias Diaz, LMFT
(310) 414-7799
This service is available 24/7.
If he is unable to respond, please send him a text message that says:
"EP SAFE Therapy Request"
This service is for emergency situations only. If continued therapy is required Mr. Elias Diaz will discuss that with you and refer you to the appropriate services.
Coming out of the closet, living LGBTQ+ and coping with social issues may be challenging.
Just know that you are not alone and we are here to help you and your family with change and acceptance.
A safe and healthy home is our goal and we can help you achieve it.